10 Memories from Narges Mohammadi

Nobel Peace Laureate 2023

120,00 kr

The book is a powerful testament to resilience and the pursuit of justice. Crafted amidst the curation of the Nobel Peace Prize exhibition, it illuminates Narges’s unwavering commitment to human rights despite her incarceration.

Supported generously by Fritt Ord, the book comprises ten poignant texts penned by Narges within Evin’s confines. These texts offer intimate glimpses into her life, from her earliest encounters with the horrors of «execution» and «torture» to the heart-wrenching separations from her children.

10% of each sale contributing to Amnesty International’s vital work in defending human rights.

Through Narges’s words, readers will be moved by her unwavering spirit and her relentless pursuit of freedom and justice.

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